Map of Counties Served by FRNFRN Home

Family Resource Network

Serving Families Raising Children With Special Needs in These California Counties:

Amador, Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus and Tuolumne

Phone: 209.472.3674 or Toll Free 800.847.3030

Family Resource Network
5250 Claremont Avenue,
Suite 148
Stockton, CA 95207

(209) 472-3674 or
(800) 847-3030
(5 county service area)
Fax (209) 472-3673

Donate by Mail


photo of infant and mom


Early Start is California's system of early intervention services provided to infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. It is a multiagency effort by the Department of Developmental Services and the California Department of Education that encourages partnerships between families and professionals, family support, and coordination of services. The statewide system of early intervention services is available throughout California and can be accessed through regional centers for developmental disabilities, county offices of education, local school districts, health or social service agencies, and family resource centers / networks in your community.

An important part of Early Start is the network of family resource centers and networks (FRC/Ns) that provide parent-parent contact, information about disabilities and early intervention, and assistance in accessing services. Phone contact, home or hospital visits, and support groups are all ways in which families might connect with experienced, knowledgeable parent "peers" through their local FRC/N.

What Are Early Intervention Services?

Early intervention services are provided based on the developmental needs of the child, the concerns and priorities of the family, and the resources available to them. Services are provided within the context of the child and family's daily activities and routines. Eligible children and families may receive a variety of early intervention services; some children may need only one or two early intervention services. Early intervention services may include

  • assistive technology, including devices or services
  • audiology or hearing services
  • family training, counseling, and home visits
  • health services necessary for a child to benefit from other early intervention services
  • medical services for diagnosis and evaluation only
  • nursing services
  • nutrition services
  • occupational therapy
  • physical therapy
  • psychological services
  • respite services
  • service coordination (case management)
  • social work services
  • special instruction
  • speech and language services
  • transportation and related costs necessary for a child to receive services
  • vision services


  • The Early Start Symposium will be virtual this year. The committee is scheduling speakers and working on final details. The SAVE-THE-DATE will be available in August.


  • Family Resource Network's (FRN) Toy Lending Library contains toys to enhance the development of children ages birth to 36 months. Families whose children are in Early Start or Prevention Resource and Referral Services (PRRS) are welcome to borrow toys from the library. There is no cost to use the library, and two toys may be borrowed for up to two weeks at a time. Additionally FRN has handouts for parents on how to use toys to help promote your child's development. APPOINTMENTS MUST BE MADE to check out toys. Walk-ins will not be allowed.

    FRN's Toy Lending Library:
    Hours of Operation: Tuesdays through Fridays, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
    Location: Sherwood Executive Center, 5250 Claremont Ave., Suite 148, Stockton, CA 95207

  • Click here to view the flier.


  • This page contains links listed by county within Family Resource Network's service area.

    Resources for Infants and Toddlers

Early Start Resource Guide